Philip Spiegelman On the Road / Going Global with ISG
February 4, 2016
Philip Spiegelman, the most recognized expert in the South Florida RE market and, along with his ISGWorld partner Craig Studnicky, responsible for decades of selling the most luxurious Florida projects, once again goes on the road to talk about the South Florida market.
Last week he was a guest on Bogota, Colombia’s Profesion Hogar and spoke with Adriana Rodriguez about Miami and The Miami Report, which has become the global go-to resource for all things real estate in South Florida.
“No matter where I travel,” says Spiegelman, “people want to learn more about Miami and South Florida. We are clearly a magnet for people looking to be part of all that South Florida has to offer. The Miami Report is a one stop overview of what people need to know about the evolution of our great city.”
ISGWorld publishes the Miami Report twice a year, constantly updating stats and facts about one of the most important RE markets in the world.